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Call now for immediate attention: 772-999-5547
David Poll, aged 77, passed away April 5th, 2021. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jay and Anne Poll, brother Bruce Poll, and loving wife Carla Poll. He will be lovingly missed by his children, Heather (Keith) Walczewski, Shannon (Scott) DeWeerd; grandchildren, Sydney Walczewski, Connor, and Megan DeWeerd; sister Patricia (Donald) Herbison, sisters in- law Jacklyn (Thomas) Lamoreaux, Barbara Black; several nieces and nephews, special friend Margo Barney, and many great friends. Online condolences may be sent to
Our caring professionals are here to assist you and your family during this difficult time. We are available 24 hours, 7 days a week to assist in immediate arrangements or pre-arrangements.
April 6, 2021, 5:53 pm
Heather and family. Loss is always difficult no matter how much you think you are prepared. Sending love and positive thoughts to get you through this time. He will live forever through you all.
Sandra Platz
April 6, 2021, 6:57 pm
Dave was a great gift in our life. Peace be with him and all of you.
Bob and Jan Plants
April 6, 2021, 7:02 pm
Good bye to our oldest dearest friend. You were the best. Always some one to come to talk to when we needed advice or understanding. You were always so handy, building your beautiful sail boat “Patience”. Sailing down the river system with us and oh the memories. We would always have dinner together on or off our boats. The guys would be singing to the old Gene Autry tunes after dinner on the deck of your boat. If either of us broke down, we were there for each other, towing our boats side by side and watching the beautiful dolphins swimming along in their wake in between our boats. So many memories!
We will miss you dearly. We were so thankful to have spoken to you not so long ago to say good bye. And growing up with Carla was always special. Watching your marriage grow with the love you both had for each other . When the girls came along and watching them grow into beautiful young women and their families grow. You both and all are and we’re a big part of our lives and will be missed.
Brenda Bonzelaar
April 6, 2021, 8:42 pm
So sorry for your loss Shannon and family! I’m glad you were able to get down there to see him! Your family is in our thoughts and prayers!
Ruth Collver
April 7, 2021, 12:24 am
Margo, Heather, Shannon our deepest sympathies to you all. Keeping you close in prayer. Ruth and Don Collver.
Tammy Atwood
April 9, 2021, 11:53 pm
Heather / Shannon
I am so sorry to hear the news. He was a good man and I still remember the big bus trip we took all around with your mom and dad. Dad in his speedo and his pipe. Good times. Remember the good things you shared. Big hugs to you and family. Tammy
February 26, 2024, 10:38 pm
You are always in my heart and you are often on my mind. He is close today ❤️